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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Abraham or Moses

Some have said that our move is like Abraham--hearing God's call and just moving. We have heard that from so many places. I have much to learn from Abraham, and we still have a long journey to go. He had to wait years for the promise to come true. Hopefully, we won't need to wait as long.

But lately, I've been feeling more like Moses when he was at the burning bush--full of excuses. "God is the time right with the economy?" "God, I am not a late night person." "I don't have the experience." "How will I support my family." So many more, but I keep being reminded that it is about "I AM" and not about me. I just want to be obedient, faithful, and loving. Oh God, help my unbelief, and help me remember it is not about my ability, it's about you.

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